black wooden framed glass window

Dreadful Dialogue

A Podcast About All Things Horror

Creating an Inviting Atmosphere for Horror Fans and Newcomers Alike

Each episode of the podcast is a captivating journey through the diverse realms of horror. Alyse fearlessly dives into a wide range of topics, from classic horror films to contemporary masterpieces, from supernatural legends to frightfully amusing stories that send shivers down your spine.

Come and Take a Listen

For horror enthusiasts seeking an engaging and captivating podcast experience, Dreadful Dialogue horror podcast is a must-listen. Alyse’s passion for the genre, combined with unique guests, make each episode a delightful journey into the world of horror. So, grab your headphones, dim the lights, and prepare to be both terrified and entertained!

Classic Movies

  • Classic Monsters ingrained in pop culture
  • Movies from the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s
  • Experience the world of Classic Horror
woman wearing tank dress
forest photography

Contemporary Pieces

  • Thought-provoking social commentary pieces
  • Psychological dread and slow-building tension
  • Subversion of expectations to keep the audience guessing

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so

William Shakespeare

From Hamlet


Dreadful Dialogue

Dreadful Dialogue Trailer

Music: www.dreadfuldialogue.comIG: @dreadfuldialoguepodcastIG: @spookyvibes_alyse

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CreepIECon 2024

As a horror aficionado, CreepIECon 2024 was circled on my calendar in blood red. Let…

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