Camp Lanier by Sylvester Barzey is a captivating blend of historical fiction and horror that delves into the dark secrets of a man-made lake in Georgia. For those unfamiliar with Lake Lanier’s history, the novel serves as a great introduction. The story follows Taylor, a reluctant camp counselor, as she confronts both supernatural and human-made horrors during her time working at the lake.
Barzey skillfully weaves historical fact with chilling fiction, offering readers a glimpse into the complex history of Lake Lanier. The author’s ability to blend social commentary with horror creates a thought-provoking and unsettling reading experience.
While categorized as young adult fiction, the novel’s mature themes and atmospheric storytelling appeal to a wider audience. Camp Lanier is a must-read for fans of horror and historical fiction alike.
This is my first read of any of Sylvester Barzey’s novels, and I am looking forward to reading his Planet Dead zombie series as well as the soon-to-be-published Dead Soil.
If you’re interested in following Sylvester Barzey, check out his website: .
If you’re a fan of novels, listen to our podcast episode where a comparison of the novel and movie Mr. Harrigan’s Phone are discussed. Also, drop us a message below if you have read any of Sylvester Barzey’s books or have any other recommendations.
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